
Losse hypotheekakte
Honorarium notaris *277,00
Inschrijving Kadaster103,50 1
Recherchekosten *42,00
Wettelijke bijdrage Kwaliteitsfonds *8,22
Identificatiekosten (BRP, VIS, FIS) per persoon *25,00
21 % BTW over * gemerkte posten73,97


Let op: KIK kosten Kadaster (digitaal aanleveren) alleen voor hypotheken bij ABN Amro, ABP, Aegon, BLG, Florius, ING, Munt, Obvion, Rabobank, Regiobank, SNS Bank en Woonnu.
Anders rekent het Kadaster € 181,00 (2025) voor het inschrijven van een hypotheekakte.

Deze notaris voert voor dit tarief de gebruikelijke werkzaamheden uit.


Packages Basic

€ 650

Delivery Time 1 day
Number of Revisions _

You can add services add-ons on the next page.


What's your process to creating engaging copywriting for me?
First things first, I need to know what problems you are facing. Then I need to know what goals you have. What does success look like to you? My job at that point is to take those ideas and problems and provide solutions. I then become your biggest fan and cheerleader as we work together!
What experience do you have?
I'm a freelance writer with over sixteen years of experience. I specialize in website copywriting, social media captions, ad copy, blog writing, and ghostwriting. I've helped authors with dozens of books, and hundreds of brand ad campaigns.


0 Base on 0 reviews
Salary & Benefits
Salary review every 6 months based on the work performance
Work Speed
Does the speed of project completion meet the deadline?
Skill Development
Well trained and dedicated to being able to catch the pace smoothly.
Work Satisfaction
Our office is located with creative, open workspaces and a high-quality engaging environment.


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